Entails is a 2D platformer, shooter game where the player must disinfect a human body. The player must go through parts of the human body, fighting both the different viruses and the body’s defenses.
Awards and Recognition
Created by Doxa Productions
Unai Morentin
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engine Programmer / Gameplay Programmer
Pablo Riesco
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engine Programmer / Gameplay Programmer / Producer / Game Designer
Diego Sanz
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engine Programmer / Gameplay Programmer
Miguel Echeverria
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engine Programmer / Gameplay Programmer
Alejandro Balea
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engine Programmer / Gameplay Programmer
Gentzane Pastor
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Gameplay Programmer / Game Designer
Gonzalo Ernesto Fernández
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Character Designer / Game Designer
Jon Beobide
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Character Designer / Game Designer
Garazi Feliu
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Background Artist
John Aoun
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Background Artist
Maialen Cascales
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Background Artist / Producer