Student Graduation and Employment Rates As Reported to Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
In accordance with ACCSC requirements, the following pdf indicates the graduation and employment rates for each program as reported in DigiPen’s Annual Report to ACCSC. Details about ACCSC’s reporting requirements can be found below and in the report:
The reporting period used to complete the Graduation and Employment Chart is determined by taking the program’s normal length of completion (including vacation and holidays rounded to nearest whole number) in months multiplied by 150% and adding three (3) months for employment.
Graduation Rate - The school’s official graduation rate for each cohort and for the program within the reporting period. The graduation rate is calculated based on the number of students who graduated from the program within 150% of the stated program length.
Employment Rate - The school’s official rate of graduate job attainment for each cohort and for the program within the reporting period. The school’s official rate of employment is that which is used to determine compliance with accreditation requirements. The employment rate is calculated based on the number of graduates employed in jobs for which the program trained them.