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This page details all of the application materials and admissions requirements for the BFA in Digital Art and Animation degree program. Read all sections carefully and please contact the Office of Admissions if you need clarification on any of these requirements.

Application for Admission

You must submit an online application to be considered for admission. After you pre-apply, an admissions representative will reach out to you with more details about the application process, as well as the link to the Application Portal. The rest of this page details the admission requirements for the degree.

Pre-Apply Online

Application Fee

Your application will be considered complete once you’ve submitted all the necessary documents and processed a 60 € application fee through bank transfer.

Academic Records

All applicants to DigiPen Europe-Bilbao must provide certified-true copies of all secondary and post-secondary (if applicable) academic records, including leaving certificates, grades, and exam results. Documents should be certified by an official school representative or other authorized notary and sent directly to DigiPen Europe-Bilbao.

For Spanish Students

Please send attested copies of academic records of all subjects in:

  • 3rd and 4th in ESO (compulsory secondary education)
  • 1st and 2nd or Bachillerato
  • Official ‘Selectividad’ exam scores will be considered

For International Students

Please send official transcripts from all high schools and colleges (if applicable) you have attended.

If the documents are written in a language other than English or Spanish, you must submit certified true copies of both the original document and a literal English translation. Please note that you should not convert or interpret your grades in any way when providing this translation. As it may take some time to certify and send all of the required materials by mail, please request official transcripts and records from your current and previous educational institutions as soon as possible. If you have any questions about your particular academic records, contact the Office of Admissions.

Proof of Proficiency in the English Language

Because all courses are taught in English, students must be proficient in English. As such, we require that all non-fluent or non-native English speakers provide proof of English proficiency in one of the following ways:

  • A minimum Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 550 (paper exam), 213 (computer exam) or 80 (iBT — Internet-based Test). TOEFL code: 6750
  • A minimum International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.5 or higher. (
  • A minimum Cambridge English: Advanced (also known as a Certificate in Advanced English or CAE) score of C1 or higher.
  • A successful score on DigiPen Europe-Bilbao’s internal English Assessment.
  • Completion of four years of high school at an English-speaking school.
  • Completion of a post-secondary degree in the United States at an English-speaking school, or an International School where the primary language of instruction is English.

DigiPen Europe-Bilbao may use its discretion and own internal assessments in determining sufficient English proficiency for students transferring from one DigiPen campus or program to another.

DigiPen Europe-Bilbao may accept other proof of English proficiency, such as through the submission of internationally recognized standardized English test scores, the completion of English preparatory coursework, or internal English assessments on a case-by-case basis.

Art Portfolio

DigiPen Europe-Bilbao reviews applicants’ portfolios to ensure that students have the appropriate foundational skills to succeed in the degree programs to which they are applying. Applicants to the BFA in Digital Art and Animation degree are required to submit an art portfolio. This portfolio will contain between 15 to 20 samples of original artwork created by the applicant. Drawings fall into two categories:

Prescribed Drawings from Direct Observation

Using graphite pencil or charcoal and on quality art paper, draw the following four Prescribed Drawings from real life (not from images or photographs):

  • A pair of shoes
  • The same pair of shoes as above but from a different perspective (e.g. shoes drawn from the back) or a different orientation (e.g. shoes turned upside down)
  • An interior space, such as a kitchen or bedroom
  • A self-portrait

The primary objective of these four Prescribed Drawings is for you to demonstrate foundational drawing skills. You should focus on drawing the Prescribed Drawings realistically and accurately, NOT applying any artistic style (e.g. cartooning).

On the corner of the page of each Prescribed Drawing, please write the date created and length of time spent on the drawing.

Miscellaneous Art Samples

The remaining 11 to 16 pieces should demonstrate your current range, skill, and process. These personal works should include 2 to 3 drawings from the following categories:

  • Anatomy sketches: hands, feet, and faces from different angles
  • Human figures in different poses
  • Still life drawings from different angles
  • Perspective drawings of interiors and exteriors
  • Drawings of your own creation like characters or creatures

The submitted work should not contain illustrations copied directly from manga, anime, animations, paintings, or photographs (cited master copies are acceptable).

Note: You should avoid including samples of work that rely heavily on exaggerated physical features such as large eyes, big hair, or elongated limbs. In general, portfolios should not include samples copied directly from manga, anime, Disney, or the like. These types of work have a very specific visual language, and relying on this language will hinder one’s growth as an artist. Instead, applicants should demonstrate how they draw from observation or their own imagination.

Optional Samples

In addition to the prescribed and miscellaneous samples, optional pieces can be added to your portfolio. These samples can include animations, digital artwork, sculptures, and any other artistic work you feel would add weight to your portfolio. Photographs of sculptures should be in good quality and well lit.

Portfolio Submission Guidelines

BFA in Digital Art and Animation applicants should submit their art portfolios to their admissions representative via email. Artwork sent electronically should be submitted as a single file in PDF, JPEG, or PNG format.

The file should include a coversheet with the applicant’s full name. An additional contents page should describe each drawing, include each sample’s date of completion, list any materials used, and estimate the time taken to complete the drawing. The file should contain only one drawing per page.

Before presenting your final and completed portfolio, applicants are more than welcome to email individual pieces to us for feedback and any relevant insight.


Your Application Essay is an important part of your application for admission to DigiPen Europe-Bilbao. What you write will help us find out information about you that is not apparent from your application or transcripts.


Obtaining a degree from DigiPen Europe-Bilbao will prepare you to be a professional digital artist. Write an essay that answers the following questions:

  1. What does your chosen profession mean to you and why do you want to devote your life to it?
  2. Why do you think you are ready to enroll at such a challenging school?
  3. Why do you think DigiPen Europe-Bilbao is a good fit for you?
  4. What have you done (and what are you doing now) to prepare yourself to succeed at DigiPen Europe-Bilbao?

Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure — along with the correct use of punctuation, capitalization, quotation marks, etc. — are all considered, so proofread your essay carefully.

Optional Additional Essay

You may also submit an optional essay to explain any unusual circumstances or situations that you think may have an impact on your application.

Application Essay Guidelines

Please consider the following guidelines:

  • Spelling, grammar, and content will be considered, so proofread your personal statement carefully.
  • Except where noted, each question should be answered in no less than 150 words and in no more than 300 words.
  • Applicants may answer each question individually or all together in full essay form.


Applicants may choose to type their application essays directly into the online application (which automatically adds an electronic signature and date stamp) or mail a hard copy to DigiPen Europe-Bilbao’s Office of Admissions, where it will be added to the applicant’s file. If you decide to submit your application essays online, be sure to have your answers drafted and prepared before beginning the online application.

Formatting a Hard Copy for Submission

Please adhere to the following requirements when submitting a hard copy of your application essay(s):

  • Include your name and the program to which you are applying at the top of each page.
  • Each page should be typed and double spaced.
  • The completed application essays should be signed and dated on the last page.

Letters of Recommendation (Optional)

We highly recommend applicants also submit two letters of recommendation from professors or employers.

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Speak with an Admissions Representative

Want to learn more about DigiPen Europe-Bilbao? Fill out our information request form or contact us through WhatsApp, and one of our admissions representatives will promptly follow up with you by phone or email.