Phillip, world’s most known fashion designer, has become suspect of multiple reptile kidnappings. When the production for his new summer collection is starting, a group of special agents, the squad 601, will try to uncover the truth behind his plans.
Created by Polaris Studios
Jokin Bilbao
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Producer, Engine programmer
javier Tafur
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Gameplay programmer
Mikel Navascues
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Engine programmer
Jorge Alvarez
BS in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Role: Gameplay programmer
Ane Escudero
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Producer, Backgrounds
Borja Barbadillo
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Animator, Special effects
Maider Sanchez
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Designer, Level building
Dimitri Gonzalez
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Character design, Background
Arrate Lopez
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Animator
Sara Martinez
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Designer, UI